The Market

All I can say is wow, Supermercado de Abastos is a kind of farmers market. In this market, it offers so many things such as fresh fruit, fish, meat, and the thing I liked the most was the food the market served. As our professor was showing us the way to the market, I was confused because I thought we got lost, but no, the market was hidden. As a New Yorker, I've never been to a "Farmers Market" before and going to this market made me realize how the community of Santiago comes together every single day and buys products made locally. As a walked through the first isle it had a variety  of fruits and meats, my roommate and I wanted to buy snacks for our dorm, and when I passed through the fruit aisle I asked the woman working there, how much are apples and she said it was a euro thirty for a kilo which is around two pounds. My roommate and I bought two kilos, which was ten apples. I was instantly shocked because, in the United States, ten apples would probably cost around six or eight dollars. As we walked towards another aisle, I found a place that sold the worlds "best" olive oil, and I'll find out if it's the best when I get back to New York and try it. My most memorable moments in the market was probably the hot food I arrived, my friends ordered sushi, but I didn't know they sold steak until I looked over to the people next to me and asked them where they got their food. I ordered the same thing they did, and it was incredibly delicious. It was one of the most tender pieces of meat I've ever had in my entire life. My overall experience at this market was incredibly amazing because they had everything I needed and more. I highly recommend this market to anyone that comes to Santiago de Compostela.


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